Safety Plan

Pursuing Peace is Robeson County

Safety Plan

Call 911 if you are in danger or have been hurt by your partner.

Have a neighbor or friend call 911 on your behalf if they hear suspicious noises coming from your home.

Teach your children to use the telephone to call the police.

Teach your children to go to a safe place during a violent incident, for example, their bedroom or a neighbor’s house.

  • Gather important documents, including:
  • Passports (for you and your children)
  • Green cards (for you and your children)
  • Social Security cards (for you and your children)
  • Work permit
  • Marriage and birth certificates
  • Children’s immunization and school records
  • Driver’s license
  • Bank account details
  • Order of Protection
  • Custody Papers
  • Medical insurance cards
  • Welfare identification card

Keep these documents in a safe and immediately accessible place.

Gather sentimental photographs (including photographs of the abuser) and other personal items.

Hide some money, a checkbook, ATM card, spare keys, medications, and a bag packed with necessities for you and your children.

Identify a place to stay in case of an emergency.

Know the location of your local police precinct.

Memorize the number of a domestic violence agency. The number for the Domestic Violence Hotline is 1-800-742-7794 or call 911 for emergency services.

Document your abuse. Take photographs of injuries; get copies of medical and police reports; or write down each incident in a journal. Each City hospital has a Domestic Violence Coordinator who will take confidentially store photographs of your injuries.

Obtain an Order of Protection and give a copy to your local police precinct and children’s school or childcare provider.

If applicable, speak to an immigration attorney specializing in domestic violence remedies.